Miami County Fair Premium/Ribbon Checks
Making a difference in your life
Your local K-State Research and Extension office is a tremendous resource for finding the information that you need. Health and Nutrition, Home, Family & Money Management, and much more! But we are so much more than just a website. Visit Our Office for the person-to-person help you need!
Our philosophy is to help people help themselves by taking university knowledge to where people live, work, play, develop, and lead. We work at being responsive to the needs of the people by focusing our resources on providing quality information, education and problem-solving programs for real concerns.
Hot Topics & Event Information
Medicare Open Enrollment Info & Medicare 'D' Intake Form
Rural Living Series - 3rd Tuesdays -> September-December(pdf)
Farm Succession - October 15- at Paola Ext. Office
Dinner at 6:15pm, Program at 6:30pm
RSVP to 913-294-4306 by the Monday before the meeting.
Grub Club (pdf) - Next Class -> Monday, October 21, - 11:00am at Ozone - Osawatomie - RSVP to 913-755-3622
Understanding & Responding to Dementia Behaviors:
Join us to learn how to decode behavioral messages, identify common behavior triggers, and learn ways to help intervene with some of the most
common behavioral challenges of Alzheimer’s disease.
The Alzheimer's Journey - 7-Part Series (pdf) - at Mound City Library
Next class - November 5, 2024 - 10:00am -
Effective Communication Strategies: Explore how communication takes place when someone has Alzheimer's, learn to decode the verbal and behavioral messages delivered by someone with Dementia, and identify strategies to help you connect and communicate at each stage of the disease.
RSVP: 913-795-2788 - Mound City Library
Become a Master Food Volunteer Today! (pdf)
Applications (pdf) are due by December 1
contact Franny Eastwood, or call 913-795-2829 with questions about being a MFV.